Do you offer WiFi for customers?
Yes, we provide complimentary WiFi for all our customers. Simply ask our staff for the password upon arrival.

Can I make a reservation?
While we do not take reservations, we have ample seating available on a first-come, first-served basis. Feel free to visit us anytime during our operating hours.

Do you have outdoor seating?
Yes, we have a charming outdoor patio overlooking the Loire River, where you can enjoy your coffee and pastries al fresco, weather permitting.

Are you pet-friendly?
Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate pets inside the café due to health and safety regulations. However, well-behaved pets are welcome on our outdoor patio.

Do you accept credit cards?
Yes, we accept all major credit cards, as well as cash, for payment.

Can I purchase gift cards?
Yes, we offer gift cards in various denominations. They make the perfect gift for any coffee or pastry lover!

Do you have a loyalty program?
Yes, we have a loyalty program where you can earn points for every purchase. Points can be redeemed for discounts on future visits.

Do you host private events or parties?
While we do not typically host private events or parties, we may be able to accommodate small gatherings. Please contact us directly to discuss your specific needs and availability.

If you have any other questions or concerns not addressed here, feel free to reach out to us directly. We’re here to help!